How Does It Work?
Ultrasonic Cavitation
You will have up to 10 minutes of Ultrasonic Cavitation which empties fat cells and pulverises them to make them more easily available to the body as “fuel”. This adds towards the smoothing effect desired when booking this course of treatments.
Tri-Polar Radio Frequency
This is then followed by 10 minutes pf Tri-Polar Radio Frequency treatment. This generates heat in the sub-cutaneous layers and denatures the fibrous Septae and promotes the re-growth of fresh, healthy and flexible collagen.
Vacuum Massage
The Vacuum Massage will be a 10 minute treatment at the end of this session, it works by lifting the skin further breaking down the old fibrous Septae, promoting fresh collagen re-growth. This phase of treatment also significantly improves and promotes lymphatic drainage, driving toxins from the sub-cutaneous layer, whilst also smoothing the skin.
Why Do I Need A Course?
Each of the therapies we use to get the ‘Ultimate Cellulite’ effect are what we call “cumulative therapies”. This means they work immediately during each treatment but, in order to achieve optimal results, a series of treatments is required over a period of weeks.
This enables the time needed in between treatments for the body to react naturally to the stimulating effects of the therapies and re-construct the tissues being targeted to naturally achieve the objective; smoother, tighter and more supple skin, without the dimpled, “orange peel” appearance.
What Does It Cost?
Important Information
+ - Can I Be Treated?
The good news is that almost everyone can be treated – as long as you are over 18. However there are some contra-indications (you can NOT be treated), these are listed below so please read through these and do not take offence if you can’t be treated, this is for your safety not ours.
- Pacemaker or internal defibrillator
- Superficial metal or other implants in the treatment area
- Any form of prosthesis, replacement joint it metal plates in the treated area
- Severe concurrent conditions, such as cardiac disorders
- Pregnancy and nursing
- Patients with a history of diseases stimulated by heat, such as recurrent Herpes Simplex in the treatment area, may be treated only following a prophylactic regime
- Any active condition in the treatment area, such as sores, psoriasis, eczema or undiagnosed rashes
- Any surgical procedure in the treatment area within the last 3 months or before complete healing
What a Transformation!
What a Find!
As Young As My Daughter!
My Eyes Look Like They Used To
My Legs Don’t Wobble Anymore!
My Love Handles Are Going!
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